Prop Team
At PROP, we practice our profession in a different way. Our commitment to people is genuine and our goal is to create solid bonds. In order to understand and help, we know that we must first listen and dialogue.We believe in an honest treatment: accessibility and specific knowledge for each case will create a relationship of mutual trust that will accompany us in the recovery process. We work in a coordinated way, without hierarchies, from the passion for our profession and the experience contrasted in specific fields of mental and physical health. This is our philosophy.
At PROP we serve people committed to changing. People who have problems and the ability to solve them. People who listen, but also talk. People who can both learn and teach. People who want to recover their place in the family or at work. People who, together with our team of professionals, fit in to form a structure capable of building change.
Big things are always built by group cooperation.
The group approach is key to our way of understanding the processes of change in
mental health. Although an individual approach is always necessary, the group will
provide us with something qualitatively different and, above all, very necessary.
Many minds generate more activity than two minds.
The synergies, resonances and feedback that occur in a group will always be more powerful and will generate deeper considerations than those produced in a duo. In a group, therapists have a less directive and less central role than in the individual format. Their figure is key as promoters of a reflective attitude and as facilitators of change. They seek to stimulate a proactive attitude in the participants, increasing the commitment to the common objectives, as well as the responsibility toward the individual change: they’re there to empower people. This is the PROP philosophy.
Sport, food and sleep are key elements to our well-being. We all are conditioned by our lifestyle, for both neurobiological and psychosocial reasons.
The evidence is overwhelming: a balanced diet, frequent and regular exercise and an adequate sleep pattern improve our mental health.
That is why in PROP we integrate professional nutritional treatment and sports
advice in all our programs: for young and old alike. Our focus is on the development
of an optimal lifestyle.
We know that a change, to be solid, must come from within.
Teaching and Information
; institut
PROP was born as a project that wants to integrate two aspects: health service and education. That is why part of our time and energy is focused on the development of teaching projects. We have a clear teaching vocation, which we develop mainly in the university field: degrees and postgraduate degrees in different disciplines within the health sciences. We also develop formulas to share our knowledge with other
professionals, in different formats (lectures, workshops and courses, face-to-face or
online), and always from our philosophy, our experience and our way of working.


Send us your name and telephone number

You will receive a phone call
Our support team will call you to get to know you a little better and schedule a visit with the professional that best suits your needs. Right away we establish a reciprocal
commitment and we want you to feel that the first visit is important and it will be you with the best professionals in their field..

Your first visit with the professional
It will be programmed, you will have a day and an hour in which a professional expert will receive you. Thanks to the previous telephone assistance they will have some information that will help them to assist you more efficiently. We think that this procedure is the best way to help you and make you feel that we are close to you.
Or if you prefer other

(+ 34) 668 856 422
Call or WhatsApp message

Skype: Prop.institut
* Only for scheduled sessions